Recently in a movie called “Crossing Over”(with lead actor Harrison Ford, Hollywood’s American President) where the film deals with the border, document fraud, the asylum and green card process, work-site enforcement, naturalization, the office of counter terrorism and the clash of cultures. In this movie there was a Muslim Bengali parents where their daughter studies in school. So she in her school essay assignment supported the 9/11 hijackers. And then she got very badly humiliated. We as Muslims will never support 9/11. But the director/writer of this movie showed it that Muslims support mass innocent murder !!!
After such “mogoj dholai” when a Muslim talks about peace the non-Muslims laughs and gets confused at us. They think we should be talking about “philosophy of War” and not “peace”. That’s only because the media, films have engineered & successfully developed “superimposed imagination” on it’s billions and billions of audience. And off-course these audience only have external knowledge for which they only do superficial understanding.
“Let there be no compulsion in religion.” (2:256) . This verse clearly forbids the use of force or compulsion in matters of religion. “Fighting for Islam” and “Spreading Islam by force” are not synonymous. The specific condition which requires for Muslims to fight would be to liberate the oppressed, particularly when the oppressed are crying out for such help (Quran: An Nisa- 4:75; Al Hajj-22:39-40; etc)
And if certain nations or groups in ignorant of the real teaching of Islam wage war in its name, the crime is theirs and no blame can be given to Islam. In the name of peace, justice & safeguarding the rights of weaker nations million of human beings were killed in WW I & II. Should we then condemn this noble and humane qualities because some head of the countries abused these terms and slaughtered human for selfish ends.
The spread of Islam around the world and its acceptance by all men is solely due to Muslim obedience to the Quranic command : “Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best who have strayed from His Path and who receive guidance.” (16:125).
Richard M Eaton in his book “The rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier” wrote that British ethnographers, historian and many journalist of Bangladesh and Pakistan widely accepted the theory called “the Religion of Social Liberation” which explains the Islamization in the subcontinent. “The theory postulates a Hindu caste system that is unchanging through time and rigidly discriminatory against its own lower orders. For centuries, it is said, the latter suffered under the crushing burden of oppressive and tyrannical high-caste Hindus, especially Brahmans. Then, when Islam “arrived” in the Indian subcontinent, carrying its liberating message of social equality as preached by Sufi sheikhs, these same oppressed caste, seeking to escape the yoke of Brahmanic oppression and aware of a social equality hitherto denied them, “converted” to Islam en masse” (The rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier Chap.5 Pg-117)
Muslim brought to them the message of Al-Wahid, An-Nur, Al-Haq, Al-Karim, Al-Gafur, Al-Adl, Ar-Razzaq, Al-Gaffar, Ar-Rahim & Ar-Rahman.
As far as Islam is concerned the Quran distinctly says : “that those who died might die after a clear sign (had been given) and those who lived might live after a clear sign (had been given). And verily Allah is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things)” (8:42)
After the loud and clear reality of Islam is being exposed for ever and still who persist in false may do so and will realize the consequences of his/her action.