Busy, busy, busy is on everyone's tongue. Its like a number one song, a million times sung. What are we busy for ? We are busy chasing a dream. A dream to become a rich man, get a house with a pool, wear designer cloths, get a fast car, mobile phones, laptops, x-box, parting and chilling with the girls.
All these have made us running around crazy like a clown. If anyone fails to achieve his dream then confusion and mayhem, things are upside down , life seems to have no purpose any longer.
Definitely there is more to life than these. To real happiness these are not the keys. We must wake up and we must get wise. There is something better, we must realize. The big problem is - our priorities are wrong; everything has a place in which it belongs. So re-arrange things in their proper layers.
In Quran Allah(swt) has set our priorities :
worship none but Allah; treat with kindness your parents and kindred and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practice regular charity. (2:83)
And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah offering Him sincere devotion being True (in faith); to establish regular Prayer; and to practice regular Charity; (98:5)
so worship Him and be constant and patient in His worship (19:65)
According to the Quran our first priority is the Ibadat (worship) of Allah (swt) then it is followed by kindness to parents, zakat, having patience.
The Qur’an also directs a message to humanity that it should contribute positively (Halal way) to the earth, it should work to make use of what is created for its benefit:
[That man can have nothing but what he strives for; That (the fruit of) his striving will soon come in sight: Then will he be rewarded with a reward complete.] (53:39-41)
And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance. And We have provided therein means of subsistence for you and for those for whose sustenance ye are not responsible. (15:19-20)
The Prophet Muhammad (SM) himself, used to pray seeking Allah’s refuge from laziness or idleness. Even before he was chosen as a Messenger, he was a hardworking person. This earned him the respect of his employer, Khadijah(RA), who later proposed marriage to him because of all the merits and virtues she saw in him.
If we follow these guidance of Quran, we will succeed. Inshallah. All the rest of the problems will disappear And true peace and happiness will appear. Things will come together - all wounds will mend. All the missing pieces will fall in their place
Our right priorities have to be defined and chasing shadows, we must leave behind.
Our right priorities have to be defined and chasing shadows, we must leave behind.
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