Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Obligation of loving the Prophet(saw)

There is beard in Islam but Islam is not only in growing beard.

For every Muslim it is an important obligation to follow our Prophet (saw) because it is PROPHET’S (SAW) RIGHT. As Allah (swt) says :

“Say: If it be that your fathers your sons your brothers your mates or your kindred; the wealth that ye have gained; the commerce in which ye fear a decline; or the dwellings in which ye delight are dearer to you than Allah or His apostle or the striving in His cause; then wait until Allah brings about His decision: and Allah guides not the rebellious.” (9:24)

This is enough encouragement, advice, proof and indication of necessity of loving our Prophet (saw) and it is sufficient to show that this duty is immensely important.

What do we get by following our Prophet (saw). What do we get by emulating him, applying his sunnah, following his words & deeds obeying his commands and avoiding his prohibitions.

Allah(swt) testifies :

Say: "If ye do love Allah follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins for Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful."(3:31)

1) If we love Allah (swt) then what is the proof .How can we show that we love Allah (swt). We can only show it by following the Prophet (saw).

2) If we follow Prophet (saw) then Allah will love us.

3) If we follow Prophet (saw) then Allah (swt) will forgive our sins.

Alama Iqbals say:

"There is beloved hidden within thine heart…..

By love of him the heart is made strong…..

In the Muslim’s heart is the home of Muhammad(saw),

All our glory is from the name of Muhammad (saw). "

The Islamic nations are built on fundamentals which are concealed in man’s heart and the main fundamental is : Love for the Prophet which runs like blood in the veins of the community.


Life has so many colors. And we all go through various colors in our lifetime. We see a God fearing, good, honest, generous & humble man going through lots of pain & suffering in his life and whereas a person, who does not believe in God, dishonest, cruel, proud have a very beautiful life.

Allah (SWT)says in Quran that this world is beautiful to those who reject faith
( Al- Quran 2:212). The meaning of life and its ending is different for a kafir and a momin. For a kafir this world is beautified but for a mumin is not his/her life also beautified ? Like :

1. When Allah (SWT)gives peace into our heart
(Al-Quran 48:18)

2. When relief comes after hardship
(Al Quran Sura no. 94)

3. When we are in company with pious & blessed men.

4. The peace that we feel after doing a good deed.

5. When Allah (SWT) answers our prayer.

This is a matter of priority and sense of proportion. Yes. A momin's life of this world is also beautiful if it is lived giving priority always to al-Akhirah over ad- dunya. There is beauty and peace and serenity in living in this world according to the commandments of Allah(SWT) and His Messenger(SAW).