We sent thee {Muhammad (SM)} not but as a mercy for all the creations (21:107)
12 Rabi ul Awal is observed as Eid e Milad un Nabi, the birth and death anniversary of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SM). And through out the world Muslim communities observe this day in various ways, special prayers are held on community mosques, people give charity and recites Durud and Salam (blessings) for the Prophet Muhammad (SM).
Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! send ye blessings on him and salute him with all respect (33:56)
There is no dispute that he was the noblest of mankind, the Master of the Children of Adam, the person with the highest position in the eyes of Allah, the highest in rank, and the nearest to Him.
Allah’s praise of His Prophet :
To thee (Muhammad sm) have We granted the Fount (Of Abundance).
Therefore to thy Lord turn in Prayer and Sacrifice.
For he who hateth thee (Muhammad sm) he will be cut off (from Future Hope)
And We have bestowed upon thee the Seven Oft-Repeated (verses) and the Grand Qur'an. (15:87)
“the Seven Oft-Repeated (verses)” is the opening Sura, The Faitha. It sum up the whole teaching of the Quran. It is said that Allah set it aside for Muhammad (SM) and stored it up for him rather than other prophets. It is said that “the Seven Oft-Repeated (verses)” mean We have honored you with seven marks of honor: guidance, prophecy mercy, intercession, friendship, esteem, and tranquility.
The miracle of the Night Journey and the ascent to the Seventh Heaven.
Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a lamp……………….. (24:35)
Men of knowledge have said by the second light He means Muhammad (SM). Allah says, “The parable of His Light…” meaning the light of Muhammad (SM).
Else where in the Quran Allah calls His Prophet a “Light” and a “Lamp spreading Light”
There hath come to you from Allah a (new) Light and a perspicuous Book (5:15)
O Prophet! Truly We have sent thee as a Witness a Bearer of Glad Tidings and a Warner. And as one who invites to Allah's (Grace) by His leave and as a Lamp spreading Light. (33:46)
The Fact that our Prophet received the quality of close friendship and the special quality of love is verified by what is indicated in hadiths.
There are enough proof in the words of Allah, “Say: If ye do love Allah follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins for Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful. Say: "Obey Allah and His Apostle"; but if they turn back Allah loveth not those who reject Faith. (3:31-32)
Allah tells us, those who claim that they love Allah and hoped to be love back by Him, then to prove his claim then he must test it on the touch-stone of his obedience to the Messenger, that is we have to match it against the frequency and quality of where and we have been following the Messenger. How much true a person turns out to be in his claim will be visible from how much he makes it a point to follow the noble Prophet Muhammad (sm), using the guidance brought by him as the guiding force in his life.
So Allah increased Prophet’s honor by commanding us to obey him and connected that obedience to Himself.
He who obeys the Apostle obeys Allah (4:80)
Allah knew that we would not be capable of pure obedience to Him and we would never be able to achieve absolute purity in serving Him. So Allah placed between Him and us a species of our own, clothing him in His own attributes of compassion and mercy. A truthful ambassador to creation and it is such that when someone obeys/agrees him, they are obeying/agreeing Allah.
Allah honoring the Prophet with some of His own Beautiful Names:
Below are some of the Beautiful Names of Allah and the Mark of Honor on Prophet Muhammad (SM) in the verses of the Quran.
Ar- Rahim (The Merciful)
We sent thee {Muhammad (SM)} not but as a mercy for all the creations (21:107)
For the believers (Muhammad sm is )full of pity, kind & merciful (9:128)
An-Nur (The Light)
There hath come to you from Allah a (new) Light and a perspicuous Book (5:15)
O Prophet! Truly We have sent thee as a Witness a Bearer of Glad Tidings and a Warner. And as one who invites to Allah's (Grace) by His leave and as a Lamp spreading Light. (33:46)
As-Shahid (The witness)
The Messenger is a witness over you (2:143)
O Prophet! verily We have sent you as witness and a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner. (33:45)
Al Karim(The Generous/Noble)
Verily this is the Word of a most noble messenger (81:19)
Al Azim(The Incomparably Great)
And verily, you (Muhammad sm) u are on an exalted character (68:4)
Al Wali(The Guradian/Protector)
Verily your Wali is none other than Allah and His Messanger...(5:55)
Al Hadi(The Guide)
Verily you (Muhammad sm) guide to the Straight Way. (42:52)
Those are some of the verses that are the Mark of Honor which Allah has give to the Prophet Muhammad (SM).
The Necessity of loving Muhammad (SM):
Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight are dearer to you than Allah and His Messengers, and striving hard and fighting in His cause, then wait until Allah brings about his decision. And Allah guides not the people who are Al Fasiqun (the rebellious, disobedient to Allah) (9:24)
And the reward for loving Muhammad (SM) :
And who so obey Allah and the Messenger, then they will be in the company of those on whom Allah has bestowed His Grace, of the Prophets, the Siddiqun, the martyrs and the righteous. And how excellent these companions are! (4:69)